TVPayz App Review: Is It a Legit Opportunity or a Scam?

infocravings TvPayz


In the world of digital marketing, opportunities come and go, promising quick and easy ways to make money online. One such opportunity that has caught our attention is the TVPayz app, which claims to revolutionize the way we engage with television and streaming services. But before you jump in with both feet, it’s essential to do your due diligence and ask the crucial question: Is TVPayz a legitimate opportunity, or is it just another scam?

The TVPayz App – What Is It?

TVPayz is marketed as a groundbreaking cloud-based app created by Seyi Adeleke and his team. According to the creators, this app allows users to create and host their live television stations effortlessly. It boasts a library of over 2 million trending movies, TV shows, sports events, news broadcasts, web series, and other content, all ready to be monetized. The primary pitch is that with just one click, you can launch your live TV channel, embedding affiliate links to start generating income almost instantly.

The Promises

The marketing materials for TVPayz are filled with grand promises. They claim that you don’t need to create your videos, conduct content research, or identify trending niches. Essentially, TVPayz is marketed as a one-stop solution for profiting from the booming television and streaming services market. However, it’s essential to take these promises with a grain of salt.

ALSO READ: How to Add My Links to TVPayz Channel

While TVPayz may seem like an enticing opportunity, several red flags should make you proceed with caution:

  1. No Free Trial: Legitimate software products often offer a free trial period to allow users to assess their features. The absence of a free trial raises concerns.
  2. Rapid Price Increase: The claim that the price of TVPayz increases every 60 minutes, along with the use of limited-time coupons, creates pressure to buy. This is a common marketing tactic used by some less reputable products.
  3. Exaggerated Claims: Claims of making hundreds of dollars per day with minimal effort are often too good to be true. Be cautious of exaggerated promises.
  4. Lack of Clear Explanation: The marketing materials lack a clear explanation of how the product works. Claims of immediate online success with minimal effort should be scrutinized.
  5. Multiple Upsells: TVPayz has several upsells, some of which may cost significantly more than the initial purchase. This can indicate a product designed to extract more money from buyers.
  6. Lack of Independent Reviews: Independent reviews from reputable sources can provide insight into the legitimacy and effectiveness of a product. Seek out third-party reviews before making a purchase.

Is TVPayz Worth It?

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Considering the red flags and the lack of transparent information, it’s crucial to approach TVPayz with caution. While it may have some appealing features, it’s wise to do thorough research before making a purchase. Quick and easy profit claims should be viewed skeptically. Remember that success in digital marketing, like any other field, usually requires hard work and dedication.

  • Your Goals: What are your objectives for using the app? Are you looking for a quick way to monetize content, or are you seeking a long-term business model?
  • Budget: Consider your budget and whether the initial cost and potential upsells align with what you’re willing to invest.
  • Research: Look for independent reviews and testimonials from users who have tried TVPayz. Their experiences can provide valuable insights.
  • Risk Tolerance: Understand that no business opportunity is entirely risk-free. Assess the risks and rewards before making a decision.
  • Alternative Solutions: Explore other options in the market that offer similar features and benefits.

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What You Get with TVPayz

infocravings What You Get with TVPayz

The TVPayz app package includes a range of features and bonuses:

  • 100% Brand New Software: Valued at $1997, this suggests that the app is entirely new and has not been seen before in the market.
  • 1-Click Views & Traffic Monetization: Valued at $597, this feature promises an easy way to drive traffic to your content and monetize it with just one click.
  • TVPayz Mobile Edition: Valued at $497, this indicates that the app is optimized for mobile devices, making it accessible to a broader audience.
  • Done for You 2M+ Trending Videos: Valued at $1,497, this feature provides you with a library of trending videos to populate your TV channel.
  • 170+ Different Niche Options: Valued at $997, this offers a wide variety of niche options, allowing you to target specific audiences.
  • A Pool of 443M+ Viewers: Valued at $2,997, this claim suggests a vast potential audience for your TV channel.
  • “NETFLIX & AMAZON PRIME” Like Profitable Business Model: Valued at $597, this implies that TVPayz offers a business model similar to successful streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime.
  • Lifetime FREE Updates: Priceless, this means you’ll receive updates and improvements to the app without additional charges.
  • 24*7 Support & 100% Uptime Guaranteed: Priceless, this ensures you have access to support whenever you need it and a reliable service.
  • Step-By-Step Training Videos: Valued at $1,497, this provides training resources to help you get the most out of the app.
  • BONUS #1 – #5: Valued at $497 each, these bonuses are additional perks that come with the purchase.

The Pricing Structure

  • Front-End: TVPayz – $19
  • OTO-1: TVPayz Unlimited – $67
  • OTO-2: TVPayz DoneForYou – $297
  • OTO-3: TVPayz Automation – $47
  • OTO-4: TVPayz Swift Profits – $67
  • OTO-5: TVPayz Limitless Traffic – $127
  • OTO-6: TVPayz Franchise Edition – $197
  • OTO-7: TVPayz Multi-Income Edition – $47


The value TVPayz claims to offer may seem attractive, but it’s crucial to approach such opportunities with caution. Thoroughly research the app, consider your specific needs and goals, and assess your willingness to invest in the app and its upsells. Remember that success in digital marketing often requires hard work and dedication, regardless of the tools or platforms used.

ALSO READ: How to Add Links to TVPayz Channel

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